Saturday, September 10, 2005

Dazed and Confuzzed

Last night a good friend asked me to go for a quick ice cream and I am always game for ice cream! We ended up with me being totally clueless at a baby shower for me and tons of people were there! I was so overwhelmed and happy, I felt so cared for. My baby is going to be the best dressed anywhere, it will ride in style and eat in style thanks to my wonderful, generous friends.

I am feeling so happy thank you all sooooo much, I cannot express how wonderful you made me feel and how loved my baby felt by osmosis.

I am dazed and confuzzed by your care!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

A little South of Superior

I am feeling MUCH better then I have in the past. I am still pregnant but won't be for long! Any day now as they say. I am home now. My daughter had her first day of SK today and my other daughter will start soon. I am feeling somewhat rested.

I am not feeling superior but almost.

Katerina....I can't seem to absorb what is happening. It feels like a TV show...many of my friends are feeling it but I feel numb to it. I think I still feel angry at the US because of Iraq and many other horrors like Rwanda. I don't feel pity. What is wrong with me? These are poor people suffering. My question for the day is how do we maintain empathy (1) without being overwhelmed by it and (2) in a world where the news is a TV show how do we plug in...after 9-11 I turned off the news for a long time....

My dad ( my HERO) listens to the world news on the radio. Maybe that is a better way, you mind conjures up the images and they are not programmed in.

Then the question comes, what do we do??? I also did nothing when the genocide happened in Rwanda. A good friend of my Dad's went there and worked with the UN, risked his life and had a huge impact on the peace effort. I watch TV, ate junk food and didn't feel anything till years later when I watched Hotel Rwanda...

How do I take care of my family and be involved in a meaningful way in the world? We often say "you can't save the world!" but maybe we can. I have been reading Judges, the story about Gideon. In essence he saved his world but doing the crazy things that God told him to... not logical thought out things, CRAZY things!!! Conqured a whole nation with 300 men when he had many more at his dispossal??? Crazy...

The word POWER is constantly flasing in my head, we have power through GOD, we can do things, we just need to claim it! Ask God to show you what to do...but be prepared for craziness....maybe you even put out a fleece and it comes back with an answer!

Be strong and courageous!

"In the last days it will be, God declares,
that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh,
and you sons and your daughers shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams...." Acts 2: 17