Saturday, March 11, 2006

Non-Veg a shift in world view

What do I mean? I recently was at dinner party where the people eating were all from India(except me) and there was a heated discussion with religous undertones regarding if being vegitarian or non-vegitarian was best. Usually "we" speak of vegitarians as the alternative, to these people non-veg was the alternative life choice and even more, an edgy choice. Everything is relative...I am trying to look at life these days with a veg / non-veg perpective. Carring that threat further through this dense fabric that is my brain...I have been considering something else....I heard a paper be presented that was looking at scholarly writing and asking the question...why is the linear, direct, consice way of writing the most correct? Culture, Educational practice impact scholarlly writing of those outside North America, why not change our concepts and embrace the other??? Saying that scholarly writing in English should be influnced by it's writer whose culture frames their writing is revolutionary....very non-veg. I now want to look at some of these issues while doing some reading courses for my is hoping my steam dosen't run out and that I hold on to my new non-veg world!


Blogger Warren said...

One thing I've learned is that a lot of people have a lot of different ideas on how to divide the world into Us and Them. I call it one's "pet dichotomy". For example, the infamouse "Pre-Millenial versus Omillenial" thing with my dad, who seems willfully oblivious to the idea that nobody else but him cares about or even comprehends the line in the sand he's drawn, in which good is on this side, and evil on the other.

I respect vegetarians who do so as a matter of conscience, but I find it too weird to wrap my mind around when I run into pro-abortion vegetarian.

The world seems to me to be full of so much diversity, that in truth, if you were aware of it all, your mind might explode. Somewhere right now, there is someone inventing yet another new religion, with its own moral codes, and perhaps even a new set of scripture. I'm sure of it.


7:12 p.m.  
Blogger Warren said...

I had vegetarian indian food for dinner tonight. It was awesome. there was this sliced red-peppers curry that was probably the best thing I've had to eat for months. Awesome.

If there were really good Indian restaurants available everywhere I went, I think I could survive as a vegetarian.

You know, I often wonder how an Orthodox jew who likes world cuisine must feel. On the one hand he may want to only eat at Kosher restaurants, and on the other hand, there's a whole world out there. I wonder if anyone out there feels trapped between two opposite tensions like that.

I think that's the key to understanding my whole personality. I have a hell of a time choosing sides and sticking with one.


6:52 p.m.  
Blogger mimlap said...

God save us all from American!

10:10 a.m.  

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